Excellence in Online Academic Support
0419 308 918
About Smart Tutors Australia
There are so many reasons to access some additional help.
Students may find themselves needing individualised and targeted support - such as catching up on missed learning, help with a tricky assignment, preparing for an exam, or gaining much needed confidence.
Smart Tutors only engages tutors with a genuine passion for teaching and an ability to tune into the needs of each student. Our tutors are experienced in the subjects they teach, working with the student's learning style and delivering on learning outcomes and goals.
Smart Tutors specialise in online lessons. For students living in the Canberra area, some face-to-face lessons may be made available.
contact admin for more details.
We welcome you to come for an explore around our site. Meet our tutors. Consider our competitive pricing. See our range of subjects and students supported. Make a booking and get started.